Social protection for the self-employed | MIA Assurances

If you have chosen to work as a self-employed person, you must take out your own health and life insurance policies by yourself. Unlike employees of very small businesses, whose employers are obliged to provide cover, self-employed workers have to do this themselves.

Since the disappearance of the RSI in 2017, self-employed workers have been covered by the general Social Security scheme. As reimbursements from the basic scheme are insufficient, it is important to supplement your reimbursements with a health mutual insurance contract.

So how do you choose the best deal for your business as a self-employed person?

There are more and more products on the market for self-employed workers. While it’s not easy to sort through all these offers, we recommend that you begin with:

  • Defining who will be covered by the policy: just you, your spouse and/or your children?
  • Choosing the cover that’s important to you: do you wear glasses? are your children undergoing orthodontic treatment? is pregnancy envisaged in your household? do you consult specialists who charge extra?
  • Compare the reimbursement ceilings: for example, for alternative medicine, would a reimbursement of €30/treatment be appropriate or not enough?


  1. We study your needs and your current policies, if you have any
  2. Our team of self-employed insurance experts draws up your specifications.
  3. We conduct a search among our 40 insurance partners.
  4. We present you with a selection of offers at the best price, in line with your legal obligations.

Find the best self-employed insurance offer

Self-employed workers, don’t forget to deduct your contributions from your income!

MIA Assurances will take into account your status as a non-salaried worker (Travailleur Non Salarié – TNS) and present you with a policy that falls within the advantageous tax framework of the Madelin Law, allowing you to deduct contributions from your net taxable income. A Madelin policy offers significant financial benefits!

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